Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Me and cross stitching...


Nama saya Yunitri, saya newbie di dunia blogger ini... but I think this media is something that I need to explore..

Saya cuma ingin sharing tentang hal-hal yang saya suka, saya pelajari, and anything that might be useful for anyone here hehehe...

I'm now into crossstitching... sounds so oldies right... tapi sejak temen saya info bahwa cross stitching is theraupetical, relaxing, helping you to be more focused, and we need to have strategy as well to finish one project, it suddenly became interesting and challenging.

Ternyata setelah saya menyelesaikan satu proyek, I'm satisfied with the result and I want more and more...Not only result of artwork that I got, but I also found that during the process of finishing my project, I found myself better in thinking and focusing... dan kadang malah bisa nemuin inspirasi atau jalan keluar atas masalah kerjaan yang lagi saya hadapin hehehe...IMO loh yah :)

Tanpa berpanjang-panjang kata lagi, these are some of my stitching artworks... enjoy :D

This one is called Baking, menggunakan benang Anchor. proses pengerjaan sekitar sebulan lah... hehe namanya nyambi sambil kerja dan ngurus keluarga
Selanjutnya, kitnya keluaran Bothy Thread, and its called Beauty Parlour

Lalu selanjutnya adalah produk keluaran Dimensions, dan nama kitnya Overlook Cafe... sama proses pengerjaan 1 bulan juga :)

Dan yg ini, termasuk proyek yang agak lama untuk pembuatannya yaitu 3 bulan... Ini merupakan kit Dimensions, dan namanya Seaside Cafe

Ok, next time lanjut lagi yah... gotta get back to work now :p

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